Smooth Muscle

acta2 (actin, alpha 2) directing expression to smooth muscle:

The sensor and effector cassettes are under control of the acta2 promoter, directing expression to smooth muscle including vessels.  Using homologous recombination in BAC RP23-370F1, the initiation codon of acta2 was replaced with the expression cassette.  For construction details, click here.

acta2- RCaMP1.07

acta2-RCaMP1.07 transgenic construct

acta2-RCaMP1.07 transgenic construct

acta2- CatCh-IRES-lacZ


acta2-CatCh-IRES-lacZ transgenic construct

acta2-CatCh-IRES-lacZ transgenic construct

acta2- Opto-α1AR-IRES-lacZ


acta2-opto1AR-IRES-lacZ transgenic construct

acta2-opto-α1AR-IRES-lacZ transgenic construct

acta2- Opto-β2AR-IRES-lacZ


acta2- Opto-β2AR-IRES-lacZ transgenic construct

acta2- Opto-β2AR-IRES-lacZ transgenic construct

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